Endorsed Midwife in Private Practice
My name is Chantel Letertre. I am a homebirther, mum of 3 and experienced midwife in private practice.
I have previously worked in both private and public hospitals as a midwife/ midwifery educator. I have spent much of my career fighting for the rights of women to have true informed choice and safe, respectful care.
I provide pregnancy, birth and postnatal care for women and their families choosing both home and hospital birth.
I believe in the instinctive abilities of labouring women to birth their babies without intervention and I am committed to providing nurturing care that supports women to make decisions that are right for them.
I am based in the lower mountains and service the Blue Mountains, Sydney and surrounds.

Why am I called Midwife to Mother?
Because I come to you for our appointments together! Providing one to one midwifery care, I visit you in your home every 4 weeks until 32 weeks, fortnightly until 36 weeks then every week until baby is born planning your birth at home (or hospital) together.
I have visiting midwifery rights at Westmead Public Hospital meaning I can continue to be your primary midwife should a transfer eventuate.
I have a strong belief in the power of natural therapies and spiritual healing. I love to collaborate with your chiropractor, acupuncturist, naturopath or therapist of choice to achieve optimal health and wellbeing for you and your baby.


Hiring a private midwife means that I am on call 24/7 for your labour and birth. Having spent lots of time getting to know each other during the antenatal period that by the time labour rolls around, I know your birth plan, birth team, family, your pets and which door to use to slip in quietly! I am with you throughout active labour and stay with you, quietly providing support as needed all the way through to hearing baby’s first cry, helping with breastfeeding to doing a load of laundry on the way out the door as you snuggle into bed.
I provide a birth pool and liner for water immersion during labour and of course for water birth if that is your preference.
I carry medical equipment to monitor the health of mother and baby including a doppler and pinard to listen to baby's heart beat, as well as essential oils to calm and support, rebozo to help with baby positioning and knowledge of acupressure and active birthing positions.
I bring emergency resuscitation and suturing equipment, as well as medication to treat haemorrhage if required. A second midwife will also attend as you are nearing the end of labour to ensure a safe, well supported birth. Both midwives attending your birth are competent in adult and neonatal resuscitation should any need arise.
Once baby is born, all postnatal visits are in your home and are tailored to your individual need until baby is 6 weeks old.
I provide 24/7 advice and support for:
Breastfeeding/ infant feeding
Emotional support and birth debrief- Postnatal monitoring of blood pressure, healing of sutures and general recovery
Nutrition and postnatal rest/ exercise
Baby checks, weighing, newborn screening
Settling and baby sleeping
Referrals to GP, paediatricians and lactation consultants when required during and on completion of midwifery care

I am a Registered Midwife, Endorsed by APHRA and hold a Medicare Provider number. I can prescribe medications and order blood tests and ultrasounds as required / requested, and refer to other health professionals. Antenatal and Postnatal Services attract a medicare rebate which you can claim at the completion of midwifery care.
Thank you for giving me the birth that I dreamed of. It was exactly everything I hoped it would be and I am so grateful.
You are a very special midwife!
Lots of love,
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you did for us during the birth of our baby girl. Words can't describe my gratitude.
I came to know your voice, trusted it and it guided me all the way.
All our love,
Heaven and Andre
Dear Chantel,
Thank you so very much for being my midwife, for supporting me and believing I could.
You're awesome- keep up the good work!
Jelena, Mitchell and Olivia
If you have any questions, get in touch with me today!